Releases / LFT005-S2
- TitleTokyo Garden
- ArtistAyka
- Date2021-09-28
- 01Tokyo Garden2:21
Ayka has shared the dream-pop wanderlust single, Tokyo Garden. Sitting somewhere in between Tirzah and Broadcast, it shows Ayka proving herself equally adept at close-quarters folk and straight-up pop bangers.
Pop has always been at the centre of Ayka’s life as has a firm sense of DIY. “Apart from music, all other aspects of my life have been a drag” she says. “I flunked a lot of elementary school and listened to ABBA and Sex Pistols instead. We moved a lot and my father always made sure to set up a DIY-studio. I never learned how to read music, but I wish I did, although some say it’s a blessing. Not being classically trained feeds into my ego - both good and bad.”