- Title
Tuna Tune
- Artist
- FormatSingle
- Date08.08.21
- 01Tuna Tune[3:14]
After years of holding her music close, Ayka, with a little nudging from her friends, is finally ready to share it with the world. Tuna Tune is a shimmering debut single, which teeters and sways atop woozy synths and blurred reverb. It’s a track born out of a writing session with techno producer MRD and his pet cat, Sonja, but is indie lo-fi perfection in its lilting melodies and washes of sound.“I think a lot of time was spent sipping beer and playing with his cat, Sonja. I’ve later discovered that drinking and hanging out with animals is a usual session-thang. I tried writing through Sonja’s feline perspective. The encounter of someone new and the relaxed being of a cherished pet. It’s probably the most laid-back song I’ve ever done. It’s chill. And skater dudes agree - it’s been used in a couple shredding-montages.” Ayka explains on the track.
- WritersAyca Lingaas & Kent Tonning
- ProducersMRD & Ayka
- MixAndrew Murray
- MasteringEspen Høydalsvik

Ayka is the pseudonym of Norwegian-Turkish Ayca Lingaas. In 2021 she released her debut EP, “I’ll Show Myself Out Now”, through LUFT Recordings, and she has loads of new material scheduled to see the light of day by the end of 2022. She already mesmerized audiences from Norwegian stages like By:Larm, Henie Onstad Art Center, and USF Verftet in Bergen. Ayka’s lyrics reflects upon the ups and downs of life, in all their banal and grave forms. She conveys these themes through a contrastive sonic landscape ranging aesthetically from soft to rough, dipping into both electronic pop- and traditional folk-music. Ayka could, for the sake of confusion, be compared with the likes of Connan Mockasin and Lilly Allen. Laughter and tears are welcome!
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